
The start

Since 2006 Joanne had travelled to Uganda a number of times to do volunteerwork. She found out that much could be improved about the situation of disadvantaged children using relatively few means. She got to know many people who she took to her heart. She stimulated children to go to school and she paid the schoolfees for a number of children whose parents couldn’t afford to do so.

In December 2008 Joanne was murdered, her beautiful life was ended prematurely, a life filled with ideals, plans and dreams. She was 27 years old, in this short timespan she has meant a lot to many people and set so much in motion.

Start Foundation

Joanne’s parents and a few friends continued her dream under the name “Joanne’s children in Uganda”. Because of the fact that the activities expanded the Joanne Foundation was created in 2015. The Foundation focuses on the community of Ndegeya, a small and very poor village north of Masaka.

Together with local population

The Joanne Foundation works closely with the village elders and supports local initiatives to improve the living conditions of the poor people, among other things through healthprograms and water- and sanitationprograms.

Furthermore, attention is given to education and language stimulation for the elderly people and for children with a handicap.



Areas of focus

De Joanne Foundation richt zich op zeven verschillende aandachtsgebieden. Op deze pagina vertellen wij u waarom wij hiervoor gekozen hebben en wat wij met onze activiteiten hopen te bereiken.


De Joanne Foundation houdt zich bezig met verschillende activiteiten en projecten. Op deze pagina vindt u meer informatie en laten we u graag voorbeelden zien van projecten die we samen met de gemeenschap daar hebben opgepakt.


We completely depent on gifts and donations to finance our activities. Furthermore, actions are regularly organized to raise money. View the various promotions here.

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