Language stimulation

Language stimulation2024-05-06T17:27:10+02:00

A good language proficiency is a must in order to be able to develop yourself. The Joanne Foundation tries to help children in language stimulation, we set up Joanne’s Library & Reading Club, a small scale library in Apollo’s house.
At two primary schools the Joanne Foundation introduced the MyBookBuddy project. The schools receives as many books as they have students, in each classroom there is a bookcase made by the local carpenter and the teachers receive instructions about how to set up a system of lending books to the students. In the follow-up the principals of the two primary schools told the Joanne Foundation that the reading achievements of the children had improved thanks to taking part in the MyBookBuddy project.
The Joanne Foundation keeps in touch with various primary schools and when we ask them during our visits what is needed they often complain about a lack of books, not only for the students but also for the teachers. Often three students sit at one desk because there is only one book. Thanks to sponsors the Joanne Foundation has been able to provide primary schools with (text)books.
Also when we are at the schools during our visit we often try to improve their vocabulary by reading “The very hungry caterpillar” for instance and playing with materials which are part of this picturebook.

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